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Pimpisa Tinpalit

Creating a whimsically surreal world

A childlike sense of wonder animates Pimpisa Tinpalit’s sculptures. “I sculpt every day, keeping my mind open to other possibilities and ideas” she says, “and am always excited to find new methods.” That constant search for new ideas is ex- emplified in the unexpected combinations that form the basis of her pieces, from the mix of colours and textures to the role that written language and found objects play.

But the most unusual combinations found in Tinpalit’s work are within their subjects. Using both bronze and fibreglass, she creates a surreal universe in which otherworldly beings merge the characteristics of humans.

The artist tempers that aura of the unexpected with a balanced, composed feeling. “Colour brings harmony to the forms I sculpt,” notes Tinpalit, and she uses her eye for colour to give her works a dynamic flow that keeps the viewer’s eye in motion while bringing all of their various elements together. The sculptor also uses her skill at rendering a wide variety of textures to give each piece a vivid physicality, bringing her fantastic characters to full-blooded life. Inspired by her desire to tell “the story of imagination,” Tinpalit successfully tells that tale, and invites the viewer to bring their imagination into it as well.


A native of Thailand, sculptor Pimpisa Tinpalit moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2009 and established her first studio not long after. She holds a Master's Degree in Fine Art with an particular focus on sculpture. Pimpisa also has extensive experience in teaching art within multiple Thai Universities. Throughout her 15+ years as a professional artist, she has show- cased her work in several solo and group exhibitions in Thailand, Japan, Singapore, USA and Hong Kong. 

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